The art here is to learn to notice in the body how feelings (pleasant, painful or neutral) actually feel like. Again, you stay with the actual experience, not with the thoughts arising from it. This means that you don』t engage in the inner narrative about those feelings, (e.g., 『Ah, this is nice, I hope it will continue』, or, 『No. Not this again, I want this to stop』.) Simply notice the feelings that give rise to certain volitions and even 『stories』. When narratives arise, let go of them.
How the body feels
First be aware of the immediate sensations in the body (e.g., cold-warm, hard-soft, tense-relaxed, etc.). Then notice how these sensations actually feel (i.e., pleasant, painful, or neutral). Start with your toes and work up to your head (or, if you prefer, from the head downward).
Notice where in the body you experience pleasant feelings, unpleasant or less pleasant ones, and where your feelings are fairly neutral or indistinct. Simply notice them all with open awareness and without reacting to them. If thoughts or stories come up, let go, and attend to the feelings.
At the end, spend five minutes watching the breath. Allow the breath to be completely natural. How does it feel to breath in and out?
Giving space to pleasant feelings
Emphasize pleasant feelings in your experience. Start scanning through the body: when you notice a pleasant feeling, (e.g. the warmth of the body, etc.) dwell on that for a while. The feeling of pleasure may be quite mild—simply attend to it with openness and notice how the feeling may change. Don』t hold on to the pleasantness, let it come and go. Simply enjoy. Relax into it.
Then see if you can take pleasure in the breath, feeling how it calms and comforts the body. Allow yourself to discover the beauty of the breath.
Tuning in to pleasant feelings of the other senses
Pay attention to the various pleasant feelings coming through all the senses (body, eyesight, hearing, taste, and smell), e.g.: a breeze on your hands, the smell of flowers, the rich taste of a fruit, the sight of children playing, a beautiful landscape or a lovely melody.
Again, these feelings of pleasure may be mild—simply attend to them with open awareness. Lightly dwell on them, not making stories. Always allowing them to change on their own accord.
Gently exploring pain
Begin with a short body scan (see page 1) by attending mindfully to the sensations of the body.
Notice where, in your present experience, there are pleasant feelings. Remember them.
Then, notice where there are unpleasant feelings. To begin with, choose a mild feeling of pain and explore it by opening your experience to the actual feeling tone. (Notice the thoughts and stories arising, and let go of them.) Should the feeling of pain become too strong, go back to a more pleasant feeling, relaxing into that and enjoying it (again without making stories around it).
接著,留意哪些部位具有不愉快的感受。開始時,選擇輕微的痛苦,在探究時,體會它實際的調子(feeling tone)。(留意思想和故事的出現,並放開它們。)如果痛感過於強烈,回到一個較為快樂的感受,在其中放鬆並享受它(同樣的,不圍繞著它編故事)。
After a while, come back to the painful feeling, trying to experience it more directly and letting go of the words arising from it, (e.g. 『I wish it would go away』.) See if you can gradually stay with the pain without reacting to it. In this way you learn to avoid creating secondary, emotional pain.
Learn to gradually do this with feelings of stronger pain.